Premium Minecraft Accounts leaked

What is Minecraft?

It's a game where you have to use your imagination without limitations! 
You use blocks to create and build anything you like, you can play the game online or offline. 
You better get started now and hurry, because at night monsters come out, and you WILL need a shelter and a house to survive. Over 23 million people registered, now it's your turn!

Is Playing Minecraft Free?

If you want to play this game, you will need a premium account, they cost $26.95!
But here on our website, we share the accounts free of charge.

Why pay when you can get it for free?

Mine craft has become very popular in the last months and more and more people are looking to get free Minecraft Premium accounts.
 It’s not because people like to steal or anything like that.
Most just don’t like to enter personal information online, like credit card information, or don’t have enough spare cash to buy one.
Until now, it’s been a hassle to acquire a username and password, but it will all change today, as we're releasing them For FREE!

 How can we share Minecraft Accounts ?

When you first hear about this method you wouldn't think it's possible. 
 Internet is full of scams and when you hear “free” you usually automatically think, ‘It’s fake/scam’. However, the method below works 100% and is absolutely legit, and safe for you.

We have a list of 200.000 Minecraft Accouts in our List and GROWING DAILY!

At our download page, your required to fill an offer/survey they are all free, but few of them will require some personal information, such as address/name/phone number, to confirm your a real user of this and not a bot.
Few of the surveys will send you a "code" to your cell phone, which you then have to type in at the website. This will verify your a human-being.

Our advertisers and sponsors pay us some money per download, the companies do this, because they want opinions on their product from consumers like you
They need opinions to improve their products and to realize what's popular and how they can sell their products better. They are ready to pay for those opinions.

We then use the money that we get, to buy cheap unique premium accounts, in large stocks (for a discount). Which in the end is the procedure we use, to offer you Minecraft for free

     Do you guarantee this is safe from viruses?

Yes, all of these accounts are acquired through completely legitimate means, they pose no threat to you or any other user!
What you will download is a .text file with your account username and password.
Text files can't contain viruses!
If your worried, you could scan our website with or any other free scanner.

If your looking to get some free gift codes instead, I can highly recommend our partners generator.
Just google: Minecraft gift code generator.